
Solid-client-authn-* architecture

This document summarizes the architecture of the @inrupt/solid-client-authn-* modules. It applies to both @inrupt/solid-client-authn-node and @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser.

Module map is a Lerna-based monorepo, which means this single Git repository actually hosts several npm modules that are related to each other. The following diagram shows an overview of the modules and their relationships.

Module dependencies

@inrupt/solid-client-authn-node and @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser (grouped under the “Client libraries” label) are the modules we expect developers to import. As their names imply, each of these modules is specific to a given environment (NodeJS or the browser). However, they both have very similar APIs and architecture, and mostly differ by their main dependency, namely the third-party library implementing the OpenID Connect protocol.

The four modules are available in the standard Lerna packages directory.

OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect

The client libraries aim to help developers authenticate their application users via the OpenID Connect protocol (often abbreviated OIDC). OIDC is an industry-wide standard protocol based on the OAuth2.0 framework. In order to understand how our libraries work internally, some understanding of OAuth/OIDC is definitely preferable.

A short glossary

Here is a list of terms having a specific meaning in the context of OIDC:


With the Solid-OIDC specification, Solid extends the OIDC protocol in order to allow it fit better into a decentralized ecosystem, specifically with Client WebIDs and DPoP tokens:

Mapping OIDC flows to the code

Unsupported flows

There are some OIDC flows that we intentionally don’t plan on supporting:

Auth code flow

Module dependencies

Refresh flow

Module dependencies

Note that in this case, no redirection happens (i.e., there’s only a Backchannel exchange): the Access Token is received directly in response to a request containing the Refresh Token.

Helpful resources

Here are some recommended resources to help understand OAuth/OIDC in general:

These resources may help in getting a better understanding of the authentication flows described in the previous section, and in particular by providing relevant use cases for each flow.

Codemap of the client library modules

This section will give a high-level description of the shared inner workings of @inrupt/solid-client-authn-node and @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser, omitting anything too module-specific.


Most of the code for these modules is internal and hidden from the developer. The public API is located in packages/*/src/Session.ts. Developers are expected to instantiate a Session object, and to use it to interact with the session. Usage examples can be found in our public documentation.

The Handler pattern

Various components, such as the Login and Incoming Redirect components, are based on the Handler design pattern. Given data contained in a request, a set of classes implementing a similar API will declare whether or not they may handle said request.

In the context of this library, a request is an API call to execute some OIDC-related operation, for instance redirect the Resource Owner to the OIDC issuer, or process the data sent by the OIDC issuer to the Client. Handlers will determine whether they can handle the request based on the options specified by the code snippet making the call.


The login operation is initiated by the Client. It may result in one of the following:

Handlers for the login operation are located in packages/*/src/login/oidc/oidcHandlers/*Handler.ts.

Incoming redirect

The incoming redirect operation is initiated by the Issuer. At the Issuer webpage, the Resource Owner authenticates (e.g., by entering a username and a password), after which the Issuer sends them to a webpage under the Client app’s control (specifically its redirect_uri). The Issuer appends some very important query parameters to the IRI the Resource Owner is redirected to, which are needed by the Client to complete the login flow. This is done when the developer calls handleIncomingRedirect(), and the Handlers for the incoming redirect are located in packages/*/src/login/oidc/redirectHandler/*Handler.ts.

Dependency injection

An important architectural component of this library is dependency injection, implemented here using TSyringe. Dependencies are declared in packages/*/src/dependencies.ts.

Declaring order

The order in which the dependencies sharing the same label are declared matters. Let’s have a look at some code to make things clearer.

container.register<IOidcHandler>("browser:oidcHandler", {
  useClass: AggregateOidcHandler,
container.register<IOidcHandler>("browser:oidcHandlers", {
  useClass: RefreshTokenOidcHandler,
container.register<IOidcHandler>("browser:oidcHandlers", {
  useClass: AuthorizationCodeWithPkceOidcHandler,
container.register<IOidcHandler>("browser:oidcHandlers", {
  useClass: ClientCredentialsOidcHandler,

Here, AggregateOidcHandler is the handler aggregator (as defined in the Handler Pattern section), and RefreshTokenOidcHandler, AuthorizationCodeWithPkceOidcHandler and ClientCredentialsOidcHandler are its underlying handlers.

Note that the label for the containers of the aggregator and the underlying handlers differ in the example above:

When receiving a request, AggregateOidcHandler will first invoke its instance of RefreshTokenOidcHandler to check if it can handle it. If so, that instance of RefreshTokenOidcHandler will handle the request, and the instances of AuthorizationCodeWithPkceOidcHandler and ClientCredentialsOidcHandler will not be called. This means that it is important to declare the dependencies from the most specialized to the most generic, because if a fallback handler that can handle all requests is declared first, the other more specialized handlers will never be called.

The order in which the container object registers dependencies isn’t relevant in the case they are registered with different labels. The Aggregator implements the class from packages/core/src/util/handlerPattern/AggregateHandler.ts, and uses the @injectAll annotation to receive all the handlers registered to a given container.

Mocks and tests

Dependency injection makes the codebase more flexible. Because each component is presented with its declared dependencies at runtime, it becomes easier to add a dependency to a component without changing the whole codebase.

However, for testing a component, mocking dependency injection in test code wouldn’t bring any value. Instead, to test the object, construct the object with mocked dependencies provided to its constructor. For instance, a class such as

export default class RefreshTokenOidcHandler implements IOidcHandler {
    @inject("node:tokenRefresher") private tokenRefresher: ITokenRefresher,
    @inject("node:storageUtility") private storageUtility: IStorageUtility
  ) {}
  // ...

can be tested as follows:

const refreshTokenOidcHandler = new RefreshTokenOidcHandler(